Book launch: Trotsky(ism) – Tool of Imperialism
Saklatvala Hall
Dominion Road
Contact: / 07827 501 420 (Josh)
Trotskyism – the ideas of Leon Trotsky and his followers, who claim to be the ‘true inheritors’ of VI Lenin and his revolutionary Bolshevik party – continues to play the same role of agent provocateur in the working-class movement as Trotsky himself did throughout his lifetime.
By denigrating and opposing the forces that actually fight imperialism, whether at home or abroad, today’s Trotskyites work to mislead potential revolutionaries and prevent them from making any meaningful contribution to the struggle for socialism. More than that: they actively impede that struggle, since their ‘analyses’, while wrapped in Marxist-sounding jargon, always serve to reinforce rather than expose imperialist propaganda.
By wrapping bourgeois prejudices and lies in revolutionary phraseology, the Trotskyists of today continue in their founder’s footsteps: promoting slogans that create confusion rather than clarity, and engaging in activities which only serve to bring the true revolutionary movement into disrepute.
As Josef Stalin observed a century ago, Trotskyism can no longer be considered merely a mistaken trend in the workers’ movement; it long ago became an outright asset of the intelligence services of the imperialist powers. This was proved beyond a doubt during the second world war and has remained so ever since. Indeed, some evidence now indicates that Trotsky may have been a British intelligence asset as far back as 1918.
Today, Trotskyist organisations are funded by the British state and promoted by British corporate media: one plank in the raft of measures adopted by the capitalist class to sabotage the historic mission of the working class to rise to the position of rulers of the land, and to build a bright socialist future.
Come and hear more about the origins and development of this pernicious trend, a wolf in sheep’s clothing hiding in plain sight within the working-class movement.
New party pamphlet by Harpal Brar with contributions from Ranjeet Brar, Joti Brar and Alexander Mckay.
Presentation by Joti Brar and Alexander Mckay.
For more on the origins and development of Trotskyism and its history in the British working-class movement see Trotskyism or Leninism? by Harpal Brar (1993).